How to cool off this summer? Go Swim and Eat!

My family and I recently went on a swimming escapade a few days ago, and it was set as a whole day affair. The venue was also just a short walk from our house so everybody was thrilled about that. It was also recently when the private pool was discovered. So my Kuya had it reserved right away (from 10 am to 6 pm).

I wasn't supposed to join them since I had so much work to do. But when I dropped-by to check out the pool, I was almost ready to jump into this enchanting abyss! The 6-feet deep pool was so inviting considering that it was sweltering that day. I went home right away to change into my swimsuit!

Oh, before I forget --- each of us, regardless if we were swimming or not were charged Php150 each. It was a bit pricey since we were 16 inside the premises. So we just made sure to make the most out of the place.

The little kids, trying out the deepest part of the pool.
Sleeping Baby Secret -- the youngest member of our family! :) 
The Dela Torre's.
My nephew Monzi, swimming without floaters!! :D
Synchcronized Dive! :)
Superman Pose Part I. :)
I don't know what to call this pose of my brother's?! :P
The suspended yoga pose of my nephew. :)
Flying kick! Literally! :D
Superman pose, really?
My view of the pool area..
Teyt and Monzi, the first two to jump into the pool!

We also had some Liempo grilled that afternoon, and had also prepared some green mango salad as our side dish. Anyway, I will be sharing those photos on my food blog! :) So hop on to Sinigang Junkie to see what we ate by the poolside! 

Also, it's been raining for a couple of days now, and it seems that summer is drawing to a close. The question here is, how did you spend your hot & humid week?

Explore & Be Free!

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