My Starbucks Global Icon Series Mugs Part II.
I've previously posted my first batch of Starbucks Global Icon Series Mugs, from which the following mugs are already sitting pretty on my display shelf: Korea, Seoul, China and Macau.
But as of May, more mini-mugs (and one big mug) have been added to my collection! Here's my latest additions:
So happy with my new mugs especially with my MANILA addition! Thank you also to my GF Clarice for bringing home Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur, to Juneee for my Thailand and Bangkok, Rick and Robin for my New York Mug, and to my honey for bringing me my Cebu and Philippines mini-mugs! :)
I haven't been to both Malaysia and New York, but I requested for these anyway. Here's to hoping that I get to visit both destinations soon, especially NYC! :)
Explore & Be Free!