Food+Travel: A so-so dining experience at Jim's Retro Diner, Baguio

I probably gained so much when I last visited Baguio, as all I ever did was eat, sleep and roam around. I mean, if you were traveling with someone like my brother (who has a really fast metabolism), then you'd probably be sampling a lot of grub too. Plus, he probably mistook my wallet for being a bank since he'd be pointing his finger on whatever food branch he sees --- which happens at least every hour when we're out. 

So what we did that first night in Baguio was to scout in Session Road for a good place to dine in. We initially wanted to try something different, something that wasn't serving fast food. Yet we still ended up in a diner. So after going up and down the area, we finally decided to try Jim's Retro Diner (located at the ground floor of La Azotea Building).


My first impression of Jim's Retro Diner was just average. It definitely needed some form of upkeep. But other than that, one of the thing's that I noticed was that the eatery's interior looked drab. The lighting could use some improvements as it looked a bit dim when we got in. Also, the place looked really cramped up. It looked like so many things were piled up near and by the counter.

But if there was something that caught our attention, then it would have to be the interesting framed posters on the walls. Those "period pieces" really helped exude the theme that the diner wanted to display.


Anyhow, since Choy and I had no where else to go (since we were too hungry to walk any further), we stayed and ordered in a plate of pizza and some chicken pieces --- since my brother was craving for something spicy to eat.

The lady that took our orders was really friendly, so that made up for the so-so impression that I had of the eateries ambiance. Anyhow, our food didn't take that long to be served. But while we were waiting, we started surfing the net on our smartphones. Yes, there was FREE WI-FI at Jim's, so that was a definite plus!


Our food really looked nice, presentation-wise. But the taste was just ordinary. Choy actually ordered a batch of spicy chicken, yet the zing that he was expecting to fire up his tongue wasn't all there (the fried pieces looked dry even). He was actually expecting to have a juicy bite out of his seasoned grub, yet not one piece leveled up to his expectations. But as for the pizza, well I for one enjoyed my order. It wasn't the softest batch, but it definitely satisfied my hunger for that night.


For me, Jim's Retro Diner exuded a more "hole-in-the-wall" setting (thus the ordinary design and arrangement). But if I were to be asked to eat there again, I'd probably skip it and try elsewhere for the meantime.

How about you? Have you tried other meal offerings from Jim's? Do share your thoughts by leaving a comment below. :)

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