Donate a book campaign: Give your old books a new home

There are plenty of public schools in the Philippines that still lack the necessary educational tools and resources. That's why I truly commend those independent entities and personalities who really goes out of their way to help young students in reaching their dreams. 

It was only late this year when I joined projects that involved sharing old books to kids who may find these resources more helpful in their studies --- much like Journeying James recent book-giving project. So in lieu of this post, I would also like to share one more good cause that you can reach out to. This is the "Donate a Book Campaign".

According to Charlton (the blogger behind The Early Morning Chat), "One school in Benguet had a Christmas wish. They wished for a book to be placed in their library. They wanted to have a book to read. They wanted to read something different, something educational."

Charlton's mom was a teacher at Colalo Elementary school. It was in 2009 when a massive amount of rainfall damaged the area of Colalo Elementary School. Everything perished including the school's chairs and books. With our help, we can slowly (but surely) redeem and revitalize the spirit of these students by donating books and other supplies. You can offer your old or new ones just as long as these are still usable.

For more information on this book-giving campaign, you can email Charlton at

Thanks in advance for all of your help! =)

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