Travel Hacks

Dumaluan - An exquisite beach in Bohol!

[January 23, 2012]

Bohol Bee Farm never fails. Not only did they serve a mean buffet breakfast (there's ham, fish sticks, vegetable and fruit salad, squash/kamote bread, etc.). They also offered the best seats in the house. Other than that, I was also able to greet my boyfriend a 'happy birthday', while dining by the seaside. And not only were we seated with a really beautiful view in sight, the sun was also rising to greet my beloved a happy 30th. It was priceless!

To continue on with our celebration, Rubel and I decided to start our adventure by riding an actual 'motorcycle' (the touring bike type). We didn't rent one anymore for fear of losing it, so we opted to have a driver (a nice cook from BBF) drop us off at Dumaluan Beach Resort. 


Now the ride took us about 10-15 minutes. The initial plan was to go to Alona Beach. But we were advised to skip it since the area was known to be a bit crowdy. So with this in mind, Dumaluan came next to our list. We just realized later on that Dumaluan Beach Resort (DBR) also shared the same shore with Bohol Beach Club (BBC). So instead of having to hop from one resort to another, we decided to stay at DBR the whole day. We just saved BBC for the next day.

View when seated inside DBR's restaurant

The shores of DBR were a bit crowdy that day, compared to Bohol Beach Club. All we did there was eat (lunch and merienda), swim and chat. The Php100 entrance fee that DBR charged us didn't include much. They only allowed us to use their area of the beach, and nothing more. We weren't even allowed to use their shower facilities nor swim in their pool. We were only allowed to use their beach chairs. So to make the long story short, Rubel and I really didn't enjoy much. We were always worried about our stuff being stolen while we were out swimming. We actually ended up going back to Bohol Bee Farm at just 4 in the afternoon. The only thing that was good about DBR was their Fish Spa and the beach. Everything else was bleh


The very highlight of our Bohol trip was our third day there. Day 3 was spent at Bohol Beach Club. Now, a night's stay in BBC costs $100. But if you just wanted to stay there for the day, you still can for a smaller percentage of the price. BBC allows tourists to stay in the resort for the whole day, given that an entrance fee of Php350 (weekday rate) will be charged per person (Php500 weekend rate). Moreover, the good thing about their day tour rate is that the entrance fee is just Php150, and the remaining Php200 is consumable. You can use their beach facilities, swim in their pool, use their shower, and use the Php200 on food purchases (we only get to pay in excess of it). So if you were to choose over DBR and BBC, which resort will it be? It's BBC for me!


Despite the pricey restaurant food, Rubel and I really enjoyed our stay in BBC. Not only did we get a nice spot by the beachfront (a nice wooden bench with a cushion each, plus a hammock), we were also assured of a secure stay. We swam and drank cold drinks all day, without having to worry about our belongings getting stolen. We also enjoyed the pool, and used their shower facilities when we needed to. There were no prying eyes whenever we used the resorts facilities, unlike our stay in DBR. We were also able to take advantage of the Php200 from our ticket; and we were quite happy to have added just a little from the total of our food bill. We decided to eat dinner in BBC, so that was quite an experience too. And despite not being served well in the restaurant during our stay, the entirety of the trip compensated the minor setbacks that the BBC staff displayed towards us.

All in all, the birthday boy loved his Bohol Beach Club experience. I did too. Not only did the resort offer us a lovely and relaxing stay. BBC also gave us memories to take home to.

Explore & Be Free!

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