Travel Hacks

Shopper's HeAVEN - Singapore's H&M, F21, Cotton ON!

Basically, Day 5 was spent lounging around my in-laws residence. I helped around the house, packed some last minute stuff, and played with the little boys as promised.

I spent most of the day with the family (had one last dinner with them at Causeway Point Shopping Centre) before transferring to my cousin's place at Compassvale. Compassvale was a bit far from Woodlands, and it required a few MRT train transfers. So the whole trip probably took a good hour before I reached my final destination.

I really didn't get to have some girl time with my cousin on my first night with her since she had to take care of her baby girl (my niece was still getting used to me being around). But I was already grateful for the kindness that she and her husband extended to me. My cousin even bribed me with a birthday gift since she couldn't accompany me anywhere. So after a few tug-o-wars with her generous surprise, I finally left for Orchard/Somerset with her "present". I started my shopping tour with some H&M goodies in tow.

It was a bit sad not having them to tour me around Singapore. But going on my own also gave me this liberating feeling. I commuted from one place to another, without having to worry about anyone. 

And after buying a few pieces from the lovely store, I went straight to Cotton On and Forever 21. 

When I finally got tired, I went for some Korean lunch (again!) at the Wisma Atria Mall Food Republic, where I met a nice Filipina waitress. I headed out to Lucky Plaza soon after (went to buy my SIN trinkets), and then went back to the Somerset area for my fill of Gong Cha.

All in all, my solo flight was fun. It was actually a day to remember. It certainly made me feel safe walking on my own in Singapore. It even made me think about relocating! But for now, it's just me dreaming *and thinking out loud!*

Explore & Be Free!

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  1. Hi! inggit much on your F&M shopping experience!  followed you through GFC

  2. Hehehe! Hi Carmi, what's GFC? =)

  3. There's so many Filipinos in Singapore. You'll probably meet one after every few  steps you make especially in Orchard.  It's so nice to shop in Singapore!

  4. I celebrated my birthday in Singapore 2 weeks ago.

  5. I also like going shopping by myself, that way, I don't have to rush.

  6. pano mo naman malalaman un e shop lifted nga naka tago cya 

  7. that's a cool place, and with f21 and h&m near you! yummy koread dish btw!

  8. Haven't been to  Singapore but also looking forward to going there. H&M? Wow! They have pretty outfits there!

  9. Looking forward to travel to SG later this year or earlier next year. Shopping there seems so tempting :3

    Your lunch made me crave for Mr. Kimbob and Tearrific! :)

  10. we planned to visit SG with my college friends but it didn't push through, but this one made me feel, I've been there already

  11. good thing there's f21 & h&m there~ and that korean dish looks yummy!!! looking forward to more of your singapore trip here! :D

  12. yay! gong cha! love, love...had a sip last week at Robinsons Mla.
    and, oh! wonder what's in the loot bag :) too bad there aint f21 at MOA when we went to the city (promdi going to the city, can u imagine? lol) last week :(

  13. its pretty safe in SG but too strict (a lot of rules to follow or be fined)...

  14. Everyone's going to Singapore. TT I've never been back there for years na and I've herad there are a lot of amazing new places to go to. But anyway the photos look great! Yummy food on the last photo. :)

  15. unsugarcoatedreviewsJune 1, 2012 at 11:00 PM

    That sounds liberating, going around Singapore on your own. :D

  16. OMG. I would love to go to SIngapore! :)

  17. We were not able to shop that much in Singapore before. I wish makavisit ulit and shop more! :)

  18. gusto ko ang nude shoes ng f21 na pumps

  19. i miss H&M store. I used to shop there always back in Qatar. Singapore is really one of the best place to shop.

  20. beautiful store, delish food and clean play ground :-) 


  21. I wanna go to Singapore. heard great deals u can find there.

  22. Singapore is one of the countries that I want to visit..and hopefully, land a job, should a chance come.

  23. Singapore is definitely in my bucket list. Aside from friends and possible job hunting, I'd like to see USS and taste their food too! You must had so much fun!

  24. Noks Sosa I Tripapips.comJune 2, 2012 at 8:46 AM

    Singapore is one of my favorite places. But not for shopping. Hahaha. Masyado mahal. Masmura H&M sa USA kasi kinukuha ko lang yung Sale. Hahaha. ANyway, SG is a beautiful place. You can explore the City in one day. Skaay ka lang ng train na iba ibang lanes. Hehehehe. :)

  25. When you get to the door, the metal strips on the front door will sound an alarm provided that you haven't removed the strip or whatever is attached to the commodity that will trigger that alarm-it can only be removed or rubbed off at the cashier...

  26. Being hubby's second home, Singapore is a city we hold dear, we hope to visit his sisters again soon and get the chance to shop around again still bugs me how some can get off the metal strips at stores here in our area...must be expert do I know? Hubby says they sell those in second hand stores with tags intact :D 

  27. I miss SG, I have to go back really soon now that there's H&M na!

  28.  my sister's going to work in singapore (hopefully) :)
    im thinking of working there too after i graduate . feel ko maganda :)

    wala parin kaming f21 and h&m dito :(

  29. So true! One of the foreign guys that manned this Money Changer Booth actually asked if I was a Filipino..of course, I said yes. :) Are we really that distinct now? :)

  30. oh, Belated Happy Birthday Eric! :) How was your SG birthday? :)

  31. Thanks for answering this for me, Chan! :) 

    Allan, Ms. Marie here has explained it well. There's still a system and a few devices attached on the item that no bare hands can take out easily. At least there's still a warning for those who are actually thinking about stealing.

  32. I know, right? The closest H&M branch for me would have to be in HKG. You might want to head out there first. :) They have like 3-4 if I recall correctly. :)

  33. Shopping is indeed tempting but a little expensive too. :/ oh, and where can I find Mr. Kimbob and Tearrific? :)

  34. Awww.. thanks Arcee! May I ask the reason for your trip cancellation?

  35. Thanks Carizza! will do. :)

  36. Hehehe.. that's ok imriz.. you should have just visited Makati since you're already in the south area. SM Makati has their own F21 store. :)

  37. You're right about that! Hehehe.. my boyfriend is always good whenever we're in SG. He doesn't even dare spit on the street.. :))

  38. Oh, you should visit soon Trisha, especially if you haven't tried Universal Studios yet. :)

  39. It sure was sis! :)

  40. Why not visit soon? :)

  41. Hi Lizzie! Why not? Singapore is actually a tempting place. More so if you have a lot of shopping money! Mine was actually just limited..hehe

  42. Who wouldn't love nude pumps! I love 'em too! :)

  43. How's the price range of H&M items in Qatar, Ms. Tess? :)

  44. Thanks for noticing. :)

  45. If shopping for let's say clothing items, then it'll be quite expensive. But if you're looking for great and affordable deals on gadgets, then SG is the place to be! Their gadgets are way cheaper there compared to the Philippines. That's why when I go there, I make sure that I buy the devices that I need. :)

  46. I actually planned on working in Singapore since I know a lot of family and friends there. But still, the Philippines is still my home. One that I can't actually leave for long periods of time. BUt Good luck with your plans, Dimaks! Hope everything works out for you real soon.

  47. Oh Stef, you will enjoy USS! I did. :) And as for the food, you'll also enjoy what the country can offer its guests.. you'll get to experience cuisines that range from American, Korean and even Indian. :)

  48. Hahahaha.. I know what you mean. I'd rather shop in HKG for their low-priced deals instead. :) And were you really able to explore the city in just under a day? I actually couldn't do all the sightseeing in one day. I guess, I would always want to savor each place that I am into at the moment. :)

  49. You have a point there! But then again, there is karma. For anyone who steals, there will be a price in the end.

  50. You should plan a visit soon, Cai. :)

  51. Actually, ok naman ang Singapore. Very progressive (syempre first world country). the people there are also very courteous, and the Filipino Community is expansive. Should you think about relocating, you'll surely feel at home. But nothing beats being in the Philippines pa din! :)

  52. Hopefully I can go during the great singapore sale! ;)

  53. It's good to have family and friends in a country you are visiting.  Your post has points  relevant to me as I fancy Singapore in the next few weeks (I'm somewhat disorganized this time; will jump on a jet when I feel like it)

  54. i have heard good things about singapore and how i wish i can go there someday.  korean foods are definitely one of the best. 

  55. This post will guide me when I visit Singapore. Thanks. :)

  56. Hahahaha... really, you'll fly whenever you feel like it? Wish I had that kind of financial freedom. :P

  57. Korean food is super delish! When I was in SG, all I ate there was Korean and American food.. hehehe! And yes, SG is a nice place.. Clean and disciplined too, if I may add. :)

  58. You're Welcome! ;)

  59. love shopping! stress reliever! bonus pa if iba bansa! singapore? why not?!!

  60. I don't think I can roam around an unfamiliar place alone like what you did. :D

  61. That is a full day! I wish I could visit my aunt in Singapore.

  62. I miss SG's Food Republic! :D So many good food choices for really affordable prices.. ^^ Anyway, I missed visiting H&M when I was in SG! Next time, I'll definitely shop there! :)

  63. Your post makes me wanna go back to SG, again!!! As in now! haha!

  64. I miss Singapore. So organized and plenty of food hunts and shopping places. hehe

    Nice shot of the store with the anti shoplifting technology :D

  65. Why not talaga noh Ms. Gemma! I really enjoy my trips to Singapore. :)

  66. Really? Singapore is a tourist-friendly place. There are a lot of signs, so you really won't get lost. :)

  67. Why not Jem? Plan a visit to your aunt soon. :)

  68. I know right? That's where I ate my Korean dish for lunch. :) And yes, you should definitely drop-by H&M. they've got several floors for your shopping pleasure! :)

  69. Go Ness! When was your last visit? :)

  70. Hahahah.. ok ba yung shot talaga? :P

  71. One day soon...I'll be there.   :)

  72. I wanna go to Singapore! And of course, do a little shopping [a must for every girls out there. :)]!

  73. Kailan kaya ako mkakarating sa lugar na to :D

  74. I really want to visit Singapore, I hope it will happen very soon. :)

  75. While reading this post,
    KIKO was beside me and happened
    to catch a glimpse of the playground with
    the slide.  He's a BIG fan of it. Actually, yaya
    Beth and Kiko are regulars in KIDZ REPUBLIC
    in SM Megamall. 

    Anyways, the Korean dish looks yummy.

  76. YOu will Enzo, just will it -- and it will happen! :) *sorry puros will ata..hehe*

  77. Shopping's great in Singapore especially when you chance upon their 'Great Singapore Sale'.. but on regular seasons, the shops there can also be too pricey. 

  78. Malay mo Sir this year! :P

  79. Will it Claire!!! :)

  80. Awwww... the playground in any part of Singapore is super child-proof, especially the floor mat. But of course, adult supervision is still a must. :)

  81. Eugene ConstantinoJune 11, 2012 at 9:28 PM

    It's quite nice to have some solo time by yourself :D But I prefer to eat with friends when I have free time.

  82. Nothing beats eating and having good conversations with the company of family and friends. But it's also good to have some alone time, once in a while. :)

  83. Havin a me time at times feels so perfect. Glad you had a great day under the sun of Sg :)

  84. It truly does Yani. :) Thanks for dropping-by. :)


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