I've been disheartened for like the nth time, every time a US consul pulls out that notorious 'blue paper'. And for some reason, the different consuls that came to review my application, didn't seem to find me credible of my words. Thus witholding me of a chance to visit the rest of my family in Houston.
I've already been rejected of a US Visa three times, and I don't think I want to try anytime soon. Family members have tried to figure out the deal in every ordeal but would just end up thinking that I may have probably been denied mainly because I was a single woman, who came with pretty good genes. *=P The consuls may not believe that I am an honest businesswoman, then that's just their word against mine. I know who I am, and I never had any intentions of going TNT in the US nor marrying a US citizen for a green card.
So in lieu of this entry, I would like to turn my rejections into a positive one. I hope that with this post, that I may be able to help out anyone who's planning on getting that most sought after document on their passport's.
For now, here are my tips:
1) Go online and type in the link: http://manila.usembassy.gov/