Finding joy in the journey | On looking back, recovering and being grateful
We’re almost two years into the pandemic, and everyone is still struggling at great lengths. It has been challenging that sometimes, feeling blessed makes you look boastful to others. Then again, I try not to think of what other people will say or think. I continue to look to God for forgiveness and guidance so that I can move forward.
These hard times have also made me see what and who mattered most and what didn’t. There have been realizations and heartaches over the past few years that I would stop and check if these were real. Yup, everything is/was! The pain’s real. All the toxic people and situations were real. But the blessings today seem more real, too.
Instead of looking back on all the bad that has happened, I choose to look forward and be present every day. I know it’s easier said than done. But I choose to be happy rather than be pulled down by my problems and anxiety.
I finally saw my closest friends after two years of not seeing any of them in person (mask-wearing and physical distancing were in place all throughout). There was so much joy in seeing their actual faces and their smiles. There was also so much warmth in their voices compared to when we all just talked online. A few years have passed, but we easily picked up right where we left off.
Some of us have thankfully survived having COVID and lived to tell our stories–and lived to thank those who helped us in our time of need.
Some of us have also feared losing our jobs. While Rubel and I did, I felt blessed to get hired not long after recovering from the virus. I kept telling family and friends how grateful I was, knowing that my boss found me when I was almost losing all hope. And now, I’m part of a company that deeply cares. With the flexibility and opportunity, I finally got to travel and see my friends. Despite all the restrictions, I was experiencing a win-win situation. Truly, God works in mysterious ways.
It might feel like we’re stuck in the twilight zone forever. But like everything else, you won’t always be at the bottom of the wheel. Just remember to have faith in God and give thanks no matter how hard life is now. We’ll all get through this. <3
Explore and be free,