8 Effective Smartphone Apps for the Budget Biyahera

Most smartphones and tablets today are already equipped with apps that you can use whenever and wherever you may be. And for the last two years, I've heavily relied on my phone whenever I travel around the Philippines or Asia. It has been a great device when it comes to checking the weather, consulting interactive maps and nearby landmarks, scouting for cheap flight options, taking and editing photos, and making free calls and SMS. Here's a few of the apps that actually help enhance my travels.

1) VIBER - Viber works as long as you have an Internet connection. Most of the accommodations that I've stayed in would usually offer Free Wi-Fi, so my Viber app stays open and connected. It has proven very cheaply on my end, especially when I travel abroad. I get to use it for either voice or video calls whenever I call my loved ones in the Philippines. It saves me from having to spend on international calls or SMS. 

2) Skype or Yahoo Messenger - If all else fails, there's always these two other options. Both offer instant messaging and calls. Skype on the other hand provides a video call feature. And just like Viber, both are free of charge --- just as long as you stay connected on the Internet.

3) Project NOAH - This app was developed by both the Department of Science and Technology - Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (DOST-NOAH) and ABS-CBN Corporation. Although this app works only in the Philippines, I still get to refer to it for typhoon forecasts, probability of rain, temperature and other weather hazards. 

4) Maps - If there aren't any hard copies of maps around, I would usually rely on an interactive version of it.

5) DocsToGo - Since I love to read, I would usually fill my phone with eBooks and documents straight from my computer. I would load it with travel-related materials, fictional novels, and my trip itineraries. I even put in a copy of my airline e-tickets, just in case I lose the printed ones.

6) Flashlight - You can't go wrong with a flashlight app! I tend to forget the actual thing whenever I'd travel. At least with this built-in search light, I'm sure to see in the dark! :)

7) Converter - I get to use this app whenever I need to have a certain currency converted or if I wanted to check on specific weights or distances. There are plenty of app choices when it comes to converters. But my personal favorite is the GlobeConvert Free.

8) Skyscanner - Whenever I need to see all of my flight options, I check out Skyscanner. It's a website that helps you compare prices from several airlines, hotels and car hires. The app helps narrow down your choices, and will help direct you to the best options yet.

How about you? What apps accompany you whenever you travel? I'll probably add a few more on this list as I go along the way, as there'll surely be other effective apps for traveling.

Explore & Be Free!

*NOTE: All photos posted here are screenshots taken from my smartphone. All the apps mentioned can be downloaded directly from the iTunes APP Store.

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